My big fall

When I was seven I was running home from Proska park with my mom’s keys 🔑 and tripped on the sidewalk. I scraped my knee and both of my hands it was horrible. It hurt a lot my mom came running and took me in the house and put ice packs on my leg and hands. My dad came home with magnetic boats to put in the tub. We stayed home for the rest of the day because I could not walk I could hardly stand up. I just watched T.V for the rest of the day I probably meased up the day for my parents my big cut hurt a lot.

My Awesome Easter 🐣

My awesome Easter was so fun. I woke up and went down stairs and found a Easter Basket with six large eggs filled with dollar bills. In my basket there were a lot of chocolates, a kite, and a very soft ball. We went outside and my sister and I started playing with my flying car, then the helicopter, and then my new drone. I just opened my drone from Christmas. It is really hard to fly I got it stuck on top of my roof and my dad said “oh no” and then I got it down. I love it because it is so small like me. The color of my drone is my favorite color red. It can fly up to three stories and then after three stories you lose control and it comes down fast.



Walk walk

Walk walk


Out out out out

Hurry get out


This is when the fire alarm went off



Slice of life-March 31, 2017

We made it to the end of the month hurray I can’t believe we are done of the month. I built my Nexo night it is small but cool it can stop the Batmobile from crashing into my little lego people. The suit covers his entire body not like my hulkbuster it shows his body. It is cool how the night is strong even though he is small. The night has a shield and a blaster sword the blaster sword is a blaster and a sword on two ends.