Slice of life- March 11 ,2017

Happy Saturday guys have fun. You must be wondering what is that, and to answer that it was supposed to be Thor’s Hammer. My dad said “it looks like the Gavel from Court” I guess it looks like that kind of. Tell me if it looks cool in the coment section below. And no you can not hit people with it cause this will happen. I will try to reinforce it so it won’t bend that much.



Slice of life-March 9,2017

TGIIAMF (Thank Goodness It Is All Most Friday) the week is almost over, so I can watch movies. In my previous post you can see what I am talking about. Today we went to gym and we played basketball, scooter dodge ball, building foam that was so fun. After gym class some people went to running club. At running club I try my best to run for a long time, but I get tired sometimes.






Slice of life-March 8 ,2017

I have news from my church that the movies Moana and Dr. Strange are going to be at ST. Leonard’s school hall for movie night. It is probably going to be really crowded. What is even better about this news is that it is going to be free for all to see. They will be selling popcorn, hotdogs, candy, and refreshments.



Slice of life-March 7, 2017

I’m really excited the new movie Moana came out today. On my list of my favorite movies, you can see what I like. You guys should get the movie Moana, it is awesome. Maui is hilarious this is what he says when he jumps into a large hole ” I am still falling”. See the preview below.

the site is AnimationStreet Network



Slice of life-March 6, 2017

So to start the day I was playing Disney infinity 3.0 on Xbox 360 I know what your thinking you have an Xbox 360 your lame but want to hear what I would say “I don’t care” ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! this is my life so where was I oh yeah I was hulk and killed my sister on Disney infinity and she was venom. Then I changed and I was spider-man. Spider-Man .vs. venom.

Slice of life-March 5, 2017

Continuation from March 4, 2017 blog,  I’m finally done with my set that took me a day to build. Can you believe that! One day to finish building a 937 piece lego set of Star Wars. And let me tell you, this is humongous and it is awesome! It has Chewbacca, Han Solo, Princess Leia and two Endur Troopers.

Slice of life-March 4, 2017

Hi guys it’s me again, oh just to let you know I love ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Legos! So I know you guys are thinking it’s super late to be building Legos from Christmas, but here is what my mom said “get these legos off my table or I’m going to throw them away”! And I said noooooooooooooooooooooooo, I’ll build it but I didn’t know there were 937 pieces that is more than my lego movie spaceship and that had 855 pieces. So to answer what you are thinking 💭,  I’m building Star Wars Imperial Shuttle Tydirium. The age goes from 9-14 and guess what I’m only 10!!!!!!!!!

Slice of life-March 3 ,2017

Hi guys I’m really excited this movie Logan or as it is called wolverine is coming out today March 3, 2017. So Logan is so-called loseing his powers and I don’t know how if he was born with his powers isn’t that weird and has a girl that has the same powers as him so Logan is dying because he is loseing his I think I’m going to see the movie so I recommend it to people who like action.


Slice of life-March 2, 2017

Hey guys it’s me so let’s go,I have three cousins there names are Alex Brandon and Christian. So we went on a 4 hour drive to Wisconsin man I was so tired but when I saw the cabin it was cool it was named cabin E there was two floors and bunk beds I slept on the top it was fun. So if you go on a trip bring stuff to keep you company.